• Select teams and one (1) score/time keeper AKA "THE DESIGNATED DRIVER"
  • Each team will spin the clock dial to determine their category to answer from
  • ONE (1) team member will have sixty (60) seconds to answer questions, while ONE (1) of their teammates reads the questions. (the DESIGNATED DRIVER will stand behind the reader to ensure there is no cheating) If any of their teammates gives assistance with the answers, the team will lose one (1) point.
  • For each question answered correctly from the Lyric Drop category the team will receive (2 points), TV Film&Tonic (4 points) and Industry Island Tea (6 points) POINT VALUES ARE LISTED ON CARDS
  • For each question answered incorrectly the team loses one (1) point.
  • If more than two (2) questions are skipped the ENTIRE team can decide to take a shot (PLEASE ALTER TO YOUR OWN DISCRETION) or lose five (5) points if each teammate does not decide to drink.
  • If the clock hand lands on SING OR SHOT, THE ENTIRE TEAM CAN take a shot and receive fifteen (15) BONUS points or the team can select a card from the SING OR SHOT category and will have sixty (60) seconds to complete a singing/rapping task. A "chorus" task is worth ten (10) points and a "verse" task is worth fifteen (15) POINTS. The task must be completed in it’s entirety in order to receive the points. THE ENTIRE TEAM CAN ASSIST. If unable to successfully complete the task, the team will not receive any points. POINT VALUES ARE LISTED ON CARDS
  • Repeat bullet points 2 through 6, until the first team gets to fifty (50) points (THE WINNER)